
The Hummingbird Wings Caregiver Wellness Journal: Cultivating Joy in the Midst of Dementia Caregiving

Reframing Caregiving: A Mindful Shift Towards Positivity

Navigating the landscape of dementia caregiving often feels like a rollercoaster of emotions—sometimes

arduous, sometimes poignant, but always intense. Building on years of expertise in dementia care, I am

thrilled to reintroduce the "Hummingbird Wings Caregiver Wellness Journal"; a transformative resource

designed to change the way you approach caregiving. Having touched the lives of over 100 caregivers

within its first month, it serves as both a guide and a companion in shaping your perspective.

Mindset Matters: The Power of Positive Thinking

The real beauty of the Hummingbird Wings Caregiver Wellness Journal lies in its power to catalyze a

shift in your mindset. If you wake up each morning dreading the disease, failing to see the person you've

always known—albeit different now—you will indeed find each day to be a struggle. The journal offers

you a new lens to look through.

It takes only five minutes a day to train your brain to see the positives, however minor they may appear.

Celebrate the moments where you find yourself thinking, "I didn't cry five times today; I only cried four

times"; These seemingly trivial moments are milestones, signifying a transition to a more constructive

frame of mind. Or perhaps, for the first time in days, your loved one smiles for a fleeting second when

you greet them with your own smile. This journal invites you to recognize and savor these priceless


Habit-Forming Positivity

By consistently capturing these uplifting events, you create a habit of positive thinking. Your brain starts

to naturally scan for what went well, as opposed to dwelling on the difficulties. This is far from wishful

thinking—it's a neuroscience-backed approach to enhancing emotional well-being. Dementia is hard,

but it doesn't have to be horrible. It's the difference between merely enduring the caregiving journey

and finding meaning and beauty within it.

A Holiday Treasure for Your Community

As we inch closer to the holiday season, the Hummingbird Wings Caregiver Wellness Journal makes an

exceptional gift, particularly for those in the orbit of dementia care services. Be it home-care agencies,

long-term care facilities, or retirement communities, this journal stands as a beacon of wellness for staff,

families, and caregivers.

Keep In Touch!

Habit-Forming Positivity

By consistently capturing these uplifting events, you create a habit of positive thinking. Your brain starts

to naturally scan for what went well, as opposed to dwelling on the difficulties. This is far from wishful

thinking—it's a neuroscience-backed approach to enhancing emotional well-being. Dementia is hard,

but it doesn't have to be horrible. It's the difference between merely enduring the caregiving journey

and finding meaning and beauty within it.

A Holiday Treasure for Your Community

As we inch closer to the holiday season, the Hummingbird Wings Caregiver Wellness Journal makes an

exceptional gift, particularly for those in the orbit of dementia care services. Be it home-care agencies,

long-term care facilities, or retirement communities, this journal stands as a beacon of wellness for staff,

families, and caregivers.

Embrace the Journey: You’re Not Alone

The Hummingbird Wings Caregiver Wellness Journal is more than just a diary; it's a change agent, a loyal

friend, and a reminder of the profound impact you make every day. With its guiding presence, you'll

discover that well-being is not merely an aspiration but an achievable reality.

So, as you turn each page, remember to "Hover on a Moment" and celebrate the hidden joys that make

your caregiving journey uniquely yours. A shift in perspective can be the first step in a lifelong journey of

positivity, resilience, and grace.

- Dawn, Author of the Hummingbird Wings Caregiver Wellness Journal & Founder of New Dementians

Find Your Copy Today

To invest in a transformational journey of positivity, secure your copy of the Hummingbird Wings

Caregiver Wellness Journal on our official website or on Amazon! Linked Below

Join the growing community of caregivers who are rediscovering joy and meaning in their daily responsibilities.

By making the conscious choice to focus on the positive, you're not just transforming your

experience—you're elevating caregiving as a whole. Because when one caregiver rises, we all rise.

Grab Your Copy Today